Kevin W. Kearns
I've always been fascinated by the unique people and places in the world, and this curiosity has taken me on some remarkable journeys. After college, I landed an internship at DDB in Chicago, where I worked on yogurt coupon ads and credit card direct mailers. At the time, it felt like the most incredible job because my ads were actually being used by people to get yogurt and apply for credit cards, whether they needed them or not.
Eager to work on larger brands, I transitioned into an art director role, creating TV and print campaigns for Tyson, Rubbermaid, and Discover Card. This move led to my first award, followed by several others. My work caught the attention of creative directors, and soon my partner and I were handling pitches for Amazon, McDonald's, and Volkswagen. When our agency secured the Budweiser and Bud Light accounts, we were selected to pitch ideas, resulting in numerous commercial shoots—some of which aired during the Super Bowl. More awards followed.
Driven by curiosity about what lay beyond Chicago, I embarked on new adventures, discovering more fascinating places and people to connect and create with. My journey included roles as a college professor, running creative departments, completing two marathons, skydiving, following the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, and cycling through the Scottish Highlands.
These days, I wake up to an imaginative teenage son who has more questions than I have answers for. I’m curious to see where this new chapter will lead me.
Don’t forget to play.
Hiking Huayna Picchu overlooking Machu Picchu.
My first marathon in Napa Valley.
At the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro.